Jiu Jitsu Tn, What is your Gym Bag

What’s In Your Gym Bag?

February 11, 2014

I have a habit of rummaging inside the bag of my friends (with permission of course). And it’s funny what popular items are found inside gym bags of Jiu-Jitsu artists. And it never ceases to surprise me that majority of Jiu-Jitsu fighters have these common items in my bag.


photo-13My natural curiousity towards common sports related items found in every athlete’s bag led me to this day: writing about it.

Popular Items That Can be Found in Athlete’s Gym Bags

Mentol Patches – 3 out of 5 of my friends have Menthol patches, or at least any form menthol pain killer. These has become popular amongst new athletes. For some reason, seasoned ones just tough it out.

Rubbing Alcohol – One of the best things to have in your gym bag. Can always come in handy after hours of grappling in sweaty mats. Known to kill 99.99% of germs and bacteria.

A good pair of Trainers – For those who enjoys post training road work, bringing a good pair of trainers can come in handy. Which brand is best, you ask? Try Mizuno, Saucony, or just plain Nikes.

photo-14Protective Gear – Mouth guards, ear guards, cups et al. Need it say more? I have noticed that most fighters prefer the single bite mouth guard, though. Never leave home without these

MP3 Players, Ipod – health freaks love pysched-mixes. So what’s in your playlist? I’ll let you in a secret, mine’s has so much grunge rock in it, it makes the 90’s look silly. Get your pumpin with the thumpin with your favorite tunes straight from your Ipod.

Power Shake Powders – These products have gained popularity during the 90’s. The trend just keeps on getting higher. The secret to these is well, the high amount of protein found in these products, vitamins and minerals all together.

MMA and Boxing Gloves – pretty common among those who are thinking of taking their game to the next level to the world of Mixed Martial arts.


About jiujitsutn

The best jiu jitsu school in Knoxville taught by World Champion Samuel Braga
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